Fishing Lake Victoria & Murchison Falls
Catch ‘The Big One' fishing in Uganda
Nile perch weighing 20 to180 pounds are the largest fresh water game fish in Africa.
Fishing Safaris and expeditions are available in Uganda. Nile perch weighing in between 20—180 pounds are the largest fresh water game fish in Africa and are the main catch in both Lake Victoria and the Murchison Nile.
For all of the fishing trips we encourage the catch and release policy.
Trolling with lures is the method generally used whilst fishing on the lake. All the necessary equipment for nile perch trolling on the lake is provided, but if anglers wish to bring and use their own tackle, that is fine.
Fishing at Murchison is a profound fishing experience and can be extremely exciting. Fishing is either from the river bank and from a boat. Caution must be taken whilst fishing from the bank as Nile crocodiles and hippos are often in abundance.
For all of the fishing trips we encourage the catch and release policy.
Fishing in Lake Victoria
The fishing trips are open to all anglers, both the novices and also the more serious fisherman, and can range from half to full day or longer overnight trips for those keener anglers.Trolling with lures is the method generally used whilst fishing on the lake. All the necessary equipment for nile perch trolling on the lake is provided, but if anglers wish to bring and use their own tackle, that is fine.
Fishing at Murchison Falls National Park
Fishing at Murchison Falls generally involves fishing with live bait or by casting lures, the larger species caught using these methods are Nile Perch and various species of Cat fish. There are many species of smaller fish that are used as live bait such as tiger fish. These can be caught by the spinning method.Fishing at Murchison is a profound fishing experience and can be extremely exciting. Fishing is either from the river bank and from a boat. Caution must be taken whilst fishing from the bank as Nile crocodiles and hippos are often in abundance.

Guides – Fishing at Murchison requires expert assistance to ensure both client safety in this adventurous destination, and the best opportunity for successful fishing. For these reasons we recommend that our experienced fishing guides are utilized for any client groups travelling to the park specifically for fishing.Getting there – Murchison Falls National Park is approximately 6 hours drive from Kampala with the majority of roads outside of the park being tarred.
Traditional Fishing Season – The fishing at Murchison varies from year to year as to which are the most successful fishing months, but generally it is accepted that the drier months of the year produce better fishing results – January to March and July to October.
Fishing Conditions – Sport fishing at Murchison Falls is an adventure, you are surrounded by wildlife and beautiful scenery, but temperatures can reach over 40°C and anglers should be equipped with sun protection. Tsetse flies are also found nearer to the falls and we recommend trousers and long socks as well as insect repellent as protection against their bites.
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