Classic Africa Safari's workshop manager, Caroline Birungi, started the Jascar Foundation with the goal of providing menstrual health education to young girls in often ignored topic. For young women in Uganda, getting their period of the first time without proper sanitary supplies can lead to shame, isolation and the social pressure of dropping out of school. While this may seem extreme for many women living in the US and Europe, it is a reality that young women in Uganda often face. Caroline faced this herself and was horrified into action at the thought of other young women (including her daughter) going through what she experienced. 

Armed with true determination and financial supporters who believe in her project, she's been able to reach well over 500 young women to date.

In October of 2022, Jascar Foundation hosted a "Menstrual Health Awareness" event that reached 500 girls from four schools. Each girl who attended received a pack of two reusable sanitary pads. According to Caroline, there is a cruical need for these girls to stay in school once they have started menstruating as many of them have been told that "menstruation means they are ready for marriage [at any age].'' Caroline has seen first-hand the results of young dropouts due to the lack of sanitary supplies, as well as hearing about shocking youth marriage, including a 12-year-old girl marrying a man of 45 years old.
Caroline was happy to share that the name "Jascar" comes from the combination of her name and her daughter's name. She's looking forward to continuing to grow her Foundation with the support of Classic Africa Safaris and will continue to share its progress with us. Are you interested in helping Caroline with her project? Email us for more details.